The accessorires manufacturer that prematurely confirmed that the Samsung Galaxy Note is coming to AT&T has since retracted said leak. According to a new release from Anymode, the previous statement that it was "recently named [an] OEM vendor for many of [Samsung's] Galaxy Note accessories" was released in error and "the information was not provided by Anymode, AT&T or Samsung, nor did Anymode, AT&T or Samsung approve it."
Here's the full statement:
JANUARY 6, 2012 --The January 5, 2012 CES Media Alert titled "Anymode Introduces First Accessories for Samsung Galaxy Note" contained inaccurate information pertaining to AT&T and the release of the Samsung Galaxy Note.
The information was not provided by Anymode, AT&T or Samsung , nor did Anymode, AT&T or Samsung approve it.
The issuing party apologizes for the publishing of the inaccurate information and any inconvenience it may have caused.
Interesting, indeed. Is there a rogue PR rep running the streets, spilling beans by day and fighting crime by night? Has anybody checked Wikileaks latety?
And does this retraction mean we won't see an AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note? Oh, we're pretty sure it's out there. Does that mean we won't be seeing any Anymode accessories? Confidence is high. Repeat: Confidence is high.
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